Posted 21st March 2022 by APSIS

Trying to Grow Your Target Audience? Here’s How.

Subscription-based businesses and nonprofits alike rely on loyal membership to thrive. And with customers going digital, online audiences are the new gold standard of marketing. Learn how, through user profiles, you can design personalised marketing campaigns to grow your audience organically.
6 minutes
Posted 18th February 2022 by APSIS

Webhooks, Explained: Why Businesses are using it (and why you should too)

Running a membership business means touching base with events, actions, & triggers that, if handled manually, could mean having to stretch oneself too thin. Learn how webhooks ebb away much of the workload by automatically triggering alerts to events and reacting to these events, in real-time.
7 minutes
Posted 07th January 2022 by APSIS

Digital Marketing Trends to Expect In 2022

Rolling out the red carpets for a new year!

With the passing of each year comes hot off the press marketing fads and trends. 2021 marked an era branded by social media marketing, data privacy, and trust-building. But old keys won’t open new locks.

8 minutes
Posted 05th January 2022 by APSIS

Leveraging Marketing Automation Emails to Supercharge Your Memberships

Membership-based organisations are constantly under pressure to deliver value to their members. Marketing Automation, through Email Autoresponders, help solve this niggling concern as it helps to insightfully relate with potential members and further cement already established membership
9 minutes
Posted 15th December 2021 by APSIS

What is a Digital Customer Journey?

The ultimate goal of any business is to fulfil its customers’ needs and wants. 

To achieve that, a business should, first, understand their customers’ needs carefully and most importantly, their competitors. Why competitors, you ask? Because, it is when a business knows and educates their customers about how they are better than their competition, and why they should choose them over their competitors, they will be in a position to provide a good overall experience for their customers.

20 minutes
Posted 16th November 2021 by APSIS

Attached at the hip: Stay connected with your members through mobile marketing

Mobile marketing has grown so big it's impossible to avoid - especially if you want to stay relevant in the eyes of your members. So much of our life happens on smaller screens these days, so why wouldn’t you want to send messages to your members in the place they’re most likely to see it? Mobile messaging is great, but before you can see all the benefits of it you need to do some optimisation of your platforms and run some marketing integrations. Read this blog to see how your membership organisation can benefit from mobile marketing, and a few extra tips on how to succeed with it!
7 minutes
Posted 12th November 2021 by Euphilena Goh

What is Customer Segmentation?

Businesses are bound to have customers whose needs are the same. But, being humans, they are bound to have different preferences and are from a variety of geographic places and various age groups, their expectations in terms of your products and service, would vary. The key to serving the needs of various groups of customers effectively is to clearly understand their preferences in every part of your business, like the product, communication, service and so on. This helps a business to efficiently meet their customer’s expectations in every way possible and develop a strong relationship with them.
19 minutes
Posted 14th October 2021 by APSIS

Why website personalisation is so important for your membership organisation

Website personalisation is all the rage, and there’s no reason why you should be ignoring it. Membership organisations should consider this as part of their overall content package as they try to fix issues such as loss of engagement or loyalty, the struggle to find new members, a loss in members or more. Collecting data can help you understand your audience to great effect, which will lead to better email solutions and great outcomes - and there’s the thing: people love personalisation and your members will too! Click here to read more about this brilliant strategy, and get your hands on some first-class resources.
7 minutes
Posted 17th September 2021 by APSIS

How to grow your list and increase deliverability!

Email marketing has become more and more important and is now the cornerstone of any membership business. It can be easy to neglect an email list and take your audience for granted - but that’s when things go wrong. Membership organisations can fall into spam traps, see deliverability fall flat and notice a drop-off in open rates and subscriber numbers. That’s why it’s vital that you continue to grow your list and get more email signups, but the way forward isn’t always obvious. Here’s how you can grow your list and increase deliverability so you keep all those lovely subscribers nice and happy.
6 minutes
Posted 16th August 2021 by APSIS

Reactivate, re-engage, and win-back with our email examples

There’s nothing more annoying than having to execute a win-back campaign because it means something is going wrong. Right? Well, not all the time. In fact, it can be a priceless opportunity to learn more about your members, about your business and about the industry. Marketing automation techniques make customer engagement easier than ever, even if it may seem a little daunting at first. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you return those lost sheep to the flock - because it’s far better for businesses to maximise revenue from existing members than try to recruit new ones.
5 minutes